Institutional Research and Assessment
Institutional Research and Assessment (IRA)
Supporting continuous improvement at Howard University through thoughtful planning and data-driven decisions.
Contact Us
Institutional Research and Assessment
Administration Building
Suite G20
Washington, D.C. 20059
Email the Institutional Research Team
Email the Assessment Team
Join us for Data & Assessment Day 2025
Institutional Research and Assessment (IRA) at Howard University operates under the Office of the Provost and Chief Academic Officer with a two-fold mission. The Institutional Research team supports the university community by reporting timely, accurate, and consistent data for internal decision-makers and external reporting requirements. The Assessment team supports assessment activities across campus, helping to continuously improve academic and administrative programs through thoughtful planning and data-driven decisions.
Our Leadership
Daphne B. Bernard, PharmD, RPh
Associate Provost, Institutional Accreditation and Assessment
Email Associate Provost Bernard
Kyron Carter, MBA
Director of Institutional Research
Email Mr. Carter
Institutional Research maintains institutional data and fulfills data requests from the campus community. The links below offer key highlights of IR's work.
Assessment facilitates the Howard Annual Assessment Process (HAAP), Course Evaluations, and other surveys. The links below take you to key Watermark modules that support assessment efforts.