Assessment Schedule

Assessment Schedule

The assessment schedule is based on the operating schedule of each unit. There is a separate schedule for those units which operate on the academic year (academic units) and those which operate on the fiscal year (administrative units). As some administrative or non-instructional units operate on the academic year, they are welcome to submit their results early.

*If results for non-instructional units require an extension beyond the deadline, this will be granted on a case-by-case basis. These plans will not receive feedback from peer-reviewed the Annual Assessment Academy but can ask for general feedback from the Assessment team. 

Academic Year (24-25)

Academic Year (24-25)
AAA feedback on HAAP AY 23-24 plans sent to units September 1, 2024
Outcomes and Measures (1st step of HAAP plan) due October 1, 2024 (unless unit has discussed alternate timeline with Assessment Office)
Results and Actions (final step of HAAP plan) due May 15, 2024 (unless unit has discussed alternate timeline with Assessment Office)