Howard Interdisciplinary Evaluation and Assessment Society (IDEAS)


Good assessment in higher education depends on sound principles, systematic practice, and institutional reflection. Without each of these, assessment activities are either poorly planned, poorly executed, or inappropriate for the needs of the institution. The Howard Interdisciplinary Evaluation and Assessment Society (IDEAS) aims to offer a dynamic, collaborative forum to Howard community members to discuss and determine effective assessment strategies across academic and non-academic programs. IDEAS is purposefully diverse and open to faculty, administrators, students, and alumni. IDEAS aims to serve as both a feedback loop for current assessment activities as well as a laboratory for new Howard-specific assessment activities that will support the larger goals of assessment at the university.


IDEAS was instituted in Fall 2023 as a reconceptualization of the Howard Assessment Committee (HAC). Both of these bodies were preceded by the University Outcomes Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness (OAIE) Committee. As both the hosting office and the purpose of this group have changed since its 2001 inception and 2009 reformation, IDEAS revitalizes and re-envisions how the larger Howard community can fully engage in assessment conversations. In short, a new era of assessment and a rapidly changing higher education landscape mandate a more flexible and streamlined institution-wide assessment committee.


IDEAS meets once each quarter of the year (Q1: January, February, and March; Q2: April, May, and June; Q3: July, August, and September; Q4: October, November, and December), though ad-hoc meetings may be called at the discretion of participants. All meetings (except those called ad-hoc) will be planned on in advance, and agenda items will be shared at least a week before convening. 


To join IDEAS, complete this form or contact

February 27, 2025: 1-2pm

Register here.