IRA for Students

IRA for Students

IRA cares about making information accessible and understandable to Howard students. While we do many "behind the scenes" things related to institutional effectiveness (providing evidence that Howard University does what it says it does), we are also involved in some of the activities that assess your experience at the University. We welcome you to use the links below to learn more about some of the things you may find interesting.

Course Evaluations

Did you know that IRA has an area explaining the purpose of course evaluations at Howard?

Graduating Student Exit Survey

Did you know that IRA has an interactive dashboard where you can see the results of graduating student exit data?  This data contains information about where graduates go, how much money they are making, and in what industries they are working.

Alumni Survey

Have you ever wondered what Howard graduates are up to one year after graduation? Check out our interactive dashboard.

Institutional Research

IRA supports a dashboard of data related to enrollment, retention, demographics, and graduation outcomes. You can visit it here to see how your department stacks up.


If you want to learn more about what is going on at IRA or some of the things we do like student learning outcome assessment, accreditation, or general education assessment, feel free to check out the internal links and our informational videos.

IRA employs students workers and also has student representation on the Howard Assessment Committee.  We are dedicated to helping students through assessment and with assessment, so if you are interested in thinking about ways to improve your survey, organization, program, or event, please let us know how we can help.